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Public engagment: in the press

My published work has been cited in the New York Times. I have been quoted by Le Monde, Vice, Bloomberg, Deutsche Welt, Al Jazeera and the BBC, among others.


I strive to carry my research from the academy to the public sphere by writing in widely read publications. A select list of my recent articles can be found below.

The Loop (2024). It's not populism. It's something worse.

Democracy in Africa (2024). African parties are more ideological than you think, with Portia Roelofs.

Africa is a Country (2024). Toward's People's Power.

Democracy in Africa (2023). “Dear Chadema … ” – read Dan Paget’s open letter to the Tanzanian opposition.

Democracy in Africa (2023). What we have learned about communication at rallies - and what we need to know.

Africa at LSE (2023). Campaign rallies are driving up the cost of campaigning in Africa.

Democracy in Africa (2023). Why do people care so much about how many people attend a rally?

Democracy in Africa (2023). Elections in Africa are won through rallies - but those rallies are changing.

Africa is a Country (2023). The deep authoritarian imaginary.

The Conversation (2023). Tanzania: opposition rallies are finally unbanned – but this doesn’t mean democratic reform is coming.

Africa at LSE (2021). How to build a political opposition in Tanzania.

The Conversation (2020). Tanzanian poll is likely to usher in a new era of authoritarianism. Here’s why.

The Conversation (2020). COVID-19 is casting Magufuli in the worst light, in an election year, with Aikande Kwayu.

African Arguments (2020). Tanzania elections: Opposition report widespread nomination interference, with Michaela Collord.

African Arguments (2019). Why Tanzania's local elections are more important than they might seem.

African Arguments (2017). 2 years on: Tanzania's Magufuli isn't a bulldozer. He's a magician.

The Conversation (2017). Magufuli has been president for two years: How he's changing Tanzania. (82,000 reads)

African Arguments (2017). Tanzania: Magufuli’s mining reforms are a masterclass in political manoeuvring (16,000 reads)

The Conversation (2017). All bets are off as Magufuli’s resource nationalism moves up a gear in Tanzania (64,000 reads)

Competitor analysis

Screenshot 2023-06-08 at 11-28-25 The deep authoritarian imaginary.png

Engagement with policy-makers

I seek to connect my research to public policy-making. I offer counsel and advice to a number of public bodies at their request. For various governmental organisations, I have developed and written policy guides, undertaken occassional consultancy work, provided in-depth political insight. reviewed of recent programming and conducted training workshops. A brief summary of my public engagement can be found below.

Selection of recent public engagement

Presentation to Konrad Adenaeur Stiftung Foundation on the strategic challenges which Chadema faces in its communications, Milan, 2023.

Expert consultant for BBC Media Action on the use of process tracing in impact evaluation, 2019.

Talk to the All-Donor Tanzania Election Review entitled 'Provide a fresh external perspective on the political context and how donors might engage around the 2020 elections.' Umoja House, Dar es Salaam, 2017.

Designer and leader of Training the Trainers Workshop on behalf of the IGF, Nairobi, 2017.

Presentation entitled 'Background and Synthesis of the Guidance for Governments', IGF Annual General Meeting, Geneva, 2017.

Private counsel

I have offered indepedent advice to the following organisations, among others:

Konrad Adenaeur Stiftung Foundation

UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office

UK Department for International Development (London Office)

UK Department for International Development (Tanzania Office)

Global Affairs Canada

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